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new york en famille guide

tips to visit midtown
NYC IN family


Route available in the Family Way book in NYC



parcours architecture à new york
chrysler building avec family way

W. alternating inside and outside

W. Duration: approx 2.5 hours

W. main theme : architecture


midtown route for your family visit

How not to miss the landmarks of New York?

Welcome to the district of excess: the district of Midtown.

Renowned for Times Square which earned it its nickname 'the city that never sleeps', this district is also known for its frenetic race to the sky with taller buildings, for its dynamism and for its iconic monuments.

Through this course, you will explore the evolution of Midtown architecture, discover its history that is particularly marked by the passage of very wealthy industrialists and finally, learn more about the life of a New Yorker.

Masquotte Family Way Architecte
Plan d'un parcours en famille avec enfants à Midtown


STEP example
when visiting midtown in new york

SPORTS TEAMS at Madison Square Garden

Masquotte Family Way MidTown
jeu midtown.png


Testimony of a family after a visit to Midtown

a visit to new york for all

"Voyager avec des pré-adolescents et vouloir découvrir et visiter une ville peut représenter tout un défi. Trouver son rythme, garder les jeunes occupés et leurs esprits allumés est toute une formule à trouver. Éviter d'être le parent  tanant sans être tanné soi même c'est la balance qu'on a aimé dans le tour de Midtown . On a bien hâte de faire notre prochaine découverte et notre prochain tour avec Family Way"


Seb Lozé - Montréal

"Travelling with pre-teens and wanting to discover and visit a city can be quite a challenge. Finding your rhythm, keeping young people busy and their minds on their feet is quite a formula to be found. (....) We can't wait to make our next discovery and our next tour with Family Way".

Seb Lozé - Montreal

Masquotte Family Way NYC

additional addresses around  midtown: restaurants, museums, must-sees


Masquottes Family Way Famille en vacances

other family activities offered by family way in midtown (new york)


architecture à New York

Thanks to this challenge in the district of Gramercy, discover architectural curiosities in NYC which are the consequence of the resistance of certain owners to large real estate projects. Among these Holdouts , or Nail Houses, you probably know one, it's the building at the corner of Macy's department store. It is also nicknamed the Million Dollar Corner . It's up to you to look for another architectural oddity in the city. Take the opportunity to discover the peaceful neighborhood of Gramercy .

Noel à New York

Why does New York symbolize Christmas so well? This is what you will discover through this challenge in the Midtown district. The modern Christmas story has many roots in New York, starting with Santa Claus. Traditions here are important. Illuminations, Nutcrackers, Christmas markets, Gingerbread house, the elf on the shelf … come and discover the magic of Christmas in New York City by taking up the challenge proposed by Family Way.

Family Way invites you to have fun with your family thanks to 3 playful and interactive museums in New York.

Both historical and immersive, the Skyscape spy museum invites you to discover the great spies, test their method of encrypting or decrypting messages, going through a lie detector but also in a room full of lasers.

For a colorful, playful, sound, tactile, gourmet experience, go to Color Factory .

Finally, if you prefer that your children experiment with slime elsewhere than at home. Go to Sloomoo Institute which offers to handle slime in all its forms. 

Harry Potter à New York

Have you ever tested these new generation stores where the experience is at the heart of the visit? 

Visit the new Harry Potter store to immerse yourself in the universe imagined by JK Rowling. You can test the swords, put on Hagrid's shoes or enjoy a virtual reality space.

You prefer to discover the temple of the doll in New York City, then go to American Girl. Here, it is not even the doll that we are looking at but the universes that have been created for her (her bowling alley, her surfing…) or for the children (tea room, manicure, hairstyle…).

Finally, if you want to check out the city's iconic toy store, then don't miss FAO Schwarz . You can try out the store's emblematic piano mat or take advantage of all the entertainment on offer.

super héros à New York

New York s'est imposée comme la ville des super-héros.
Venez découvrir les liens qui rattachent cette ville à l'histoire des comics et plus particulièrement des super-Héros.
Venez relever le nouveau défi et retrouver l'antre de Superman sur la 42nd street.

High Line en famille

Grâce à ce défi sur la High Line, vous allez découvrir que cette ancienne voie ferrée transformée en voie verte n'offre pas seulement l'opportunité de découvrir un pan du passé industriel de NYC, pas seulement une opportunité de se divertir avec des oeuvres arts dispersées sur le parcours mais aussi un emplacement privilégié pour regarder New York et  son architecture. Depuis la High Line, vous pourrez observer les anciens entrepots de conditionnements de viande aussi bien que l'Empire State Building, le Vessel ou tout un ensemble de bâtiments construits par des architectes de renom (Jean Nouvel, Frank Gehry...).

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