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discover New York city



Vous avez envie de découvrir la ville fascinante de New York avec toute votre tribu ? Vous cherchez tout simplement à passer un bon moment ensemble pendant cette visite ?


Alors laissez vous guider !


Family Way vous propose 7 parcours dans New York City, tous Jalonnés d'étapes incontournables et des secrets de la vie locale :




Chaque parcours est : 


Éducatif, il vous dévoilera l’histoire de la ville, la vie des New-Yorkais et vous initiera aux arts et à l'architecture. 

Ludique, il vous mettra au défi d’explorer la ville où on ne dort jamais et de résoudre des énigmes ensemble.


Et par-dessus tout, il vous laissera le souvenir inoubliable d’une belle découverte partagée en famille.


Alors, prêts pour l'aventure ?

Lower Manhattan Family Way
Central Park Family Way
NYC MidTown Family Way
Greenwich Village Family Way
Grand Central Family Way
Brooklyn Famil Way

tools to help you better select your course IN nEW yORK  


Several criteria are available for you to choose the ideal course.
Indeed, according to your desires, your centers of interests, your available time, or simply the weather, you can select the most appropriate route. (description available by clicking on each of the box above)

Masquotte NYC Family Way

 composition of the Routes in New York city





How old do children have to be to complete a Family Way route in New York?

The courses are intended for the whole family (children, parents and even teenagers). The goal is to discover New York all together by walking and playing. It is preferable to be able to read to play the games, but the help of a parent, a brother or a sister can allow you to participate and have fun. The question mainly concerns the time of the course, which must sometimes be adapted or supplemented with breaks. Likewise, there is no age limit. The routes are made so that parents and teenagers have fun and also discover the city.

What do you recommend as a visit to New York City when it rains? when it is warm ? when it's cold ?

In New York City, the weather conditions vary greatly depending on the season or even the day. The Family Way guide allows you to adapt the visit by choosing at the last moment what is most appropriate. On a day of heavy rain or very hot weather, we recommend that you complete the route in Grand Central which allows you to take advantage of shelter with heating or air conditioning depending on the period chosen.

A weather indicator tells you for each route, where it is happening. It will also allow you to adapt the course in order to take advantage of a few passages indoors if it is cold.

Know that New York is adapted to these conditions and that it will always be possible to find a small shelter to protect you from the heat, the cold, the rain...

How to get around in New York City? How do I access the Family Way routes?

The Family Way routes all start and end near a metro station. These are all indicated on the maps corresponding to each course.

However, be aware that New York has many other ways to get around that can be really cool. Thus, the city provides CITIBIKE , bike rental systems by the 1/2 hour or by the day, everywhere in the city. The presence of numerous cycle paths and one-way traffic in most streets makes this means of transport less dangerous than in other large cities such as Paris. Obviously, this solution is suitable for older children. Do not hesitate to use the NYC ferry to get around, especially if you are traveling between Brooklyn and Manhattan. Not only can this allow you to get to your destination, but you also benefit from a cruise with a view of the skyline as a bonus and for the price of a metro ticket. It is a very good means of transport to discover the beaches of NYC.

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